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Creating a moon garden

Use these nine tips to create the classic moon garden.

What is a moon garden? Moon gardens are specifically planted so that they can be enjoyed under the light of the moon. That means that they are typically designed around white or pastel colored flowers and silver foliage that reflect moonlight, giving the garden a glowing appearance. Moon gardens date back to the 1500s, but you can bring this long-standing garden tradition into your yard using the following tips:

Moon garden inspiration
  1. White blooming flowers must be open at night. Some options, like hibiscus or magnolias, have stunning and large white flowers, but they close at night and won’t shine when you need them. They may still be used if you want an all white palette for daytime enjoyment.
  2. Use groupings of the same plants to enhance the effect. While varying textures is important in garden design, grouping like plants together will increase the surface area that the light has to hit to increase the glow. You can layer different plants together–just make sure that you group the same shade of color together so that a bright white doesn’t make a cream or light pink look drab in the light of the moon.
  3. Separate groupings with green plants to break up the effect and let the eye rest. Evergreens will keep the garden interesting into the winter, but it will also help maximize the effect of the white plants by giving them a dark contrast.
  4. Select plants that bloom during different points of the growing season to keep interest going throughout the year. Annuals are an excellent addition that will bloom all summer long with the right care.
  5. Compliment your whites with silver foliage. Don’t want to rely solely on flowers for a nightly glow? Try perennials with silver foliage like mountain mint, artemisia, or lamb’s ear. Russian sage and lavender have silver foliage in addition to purple flowers.
  6. Add Water. The moon has a physical relationship with water, influencing the rising of the tides. Water in the moon garden can reflect the light of the moon, just as the flowers can. Add a birdbath, pond, or fountain for a glimmer of moon and starlight amongst the plants.
  7. Engage all the senses. While the white flowers are the star of the show, moon gardens should incorporate elements to engage your sense of smell or soothing sounds. Add herbs for a scent element, or choose fragrant flowers like nicotiana or roses. Include textured foliage like lamb’s ear or sage to add a soft element. Fountains or wind chimes can add to the immersion by creating a unique soundscape to your garden.
  8. Be responsible with lighting. While some sources will encourage lights in your garden to enhance the viewing, try to minimize the amount of outdoor lighting. Outdoor lights can confuse insects like fireflies and moths, causing them to waste energy chasing artificial light. Ironically, they are confusing that light for the moon or reflections of the moon on water. If you do decide to light your garden, avoid periods when fireflies are active or during songbird migration in the spring and fall. Keep your lighting low to the ground and face it downwards to minimize its impact on wildlife.
  9. Add moon-related flourishes. Double down on your moon garden by adding accessories. There are moon related statuary, but you can also select animals that are associated with the moon like an owl, wolf, or rabbit, which are associated in some South American cultures, with the moon.

Using these tips, you can create a garden that you can enjoy after the sun sets! Check out the plants listed below for moon garden options that thrive in our area.

moon garden example
Moon Garden Plants for their Flowers
Moon Garden Plants for Foliage

Colonial Gardens is an independent garden center located in Phoenixville in Chester County, Pennsylvania since 1967. We carry one of the widest selection of annuals, perennials, trees and shrubs, and food gardening crops in Southeastern Pennsylvania. We offer professional landscaping services and a full-service florist. Visit our greenhouse for unique houseplants and our gift shop for gifts and garden accessories. In the fall and winter, join us for our family-friendly seasonal events and Christmas shop.

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