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STORE HOURS: Mon-Sat: 9am-5:30pm • Sun 9am-5pm


As a garden center, Colonial Gardens is no stranger to being green! Outside of our gorgeous green plants, we are committed to making improvements in our business to address a number of environmental impacts that come along with running a garden center. Here are a few important ways that we are trying to improve sustainability:

Solar Panels: As of 2024, Colonial Gardens will be largely powered by the sun! Our solar panels, installed on the roof of our main building as well as on our pole barn, will produce 105% of our total yearly electric usage. Our hope is to continue to invest in electric equipment and vehicles to continue to reduce our carbon footprint. We are also working with local task forces to outline our solar process for other small businesses in the area to inspire a push towards carbon-free electricity usage.

Growing Our Own Fresh-Cut Flowers: Did you know that most cut flowers are imported from other countries? Shipping the flowers to the US and keeping them fresh along the way has a huge carbon footprint and environmental impact. Our Plant Care Team grows hundreds of flowers right here at Colonial so that our floral team can have access to locally grown flowers during our growing season. Throughout the spring, summer and fall, we are able to offer arrangements with tulips, daffodils, zinnias, gomphrena, and more that are grown right here at Colonial.

cutting garden

Integrated Pest Management: Managing pests is just part of the deal when growing and caring for plants. The horticultural industry as a whole is making strides to reduce our usage of pesticides and herbicides to better protect our environment. Our team has consulted with state experts and is working to implement integrated pest management to protect our plants. This method of controlling pests relies on predatory bugs, frequent inspections, clean greenhouse practices, and organic control methods rather than generalized spraying.

Composting: Unsellable plants, rotten pumpkins, and manure from our chickens are composted on our grounds. This compost is regularly donated to local schools and community gardens. We are able to reduce our waste going to the landfill and provide a resource for good causes in our area.

Christmas Tree Return: We offer the opportunity for folks who purchased their Christmas trees from us to return them to be recycled. We chip these trees into mulch that is used on grounds or for community projects. Instead of rotting in a landfill, the nutrients are returned to the soil. Customers receive a gift certificate when they return their tree as a thanks for being green!

Promoting Native Plants: While we sell a diversity of plants, we have increased our native plant selection significantly over the last five years! One of the limitations of providing native plants to the public is the selection provided by our growers. We’ve been actively engaging with our growers to invest in supplying retail-ready native plants, including expanding their selection of straight-species natives. We’ve been very fortunate in our relationship with our growers and have seen that selection increase over the last few years. The other limitation for providing native plants is a lack of awareness amongst the general public. Engagement Manager Casey has given several talks about native plants and pollinators to local groups and provides an educational seminar for our annual Butterfly Festival. We hope to continue to promote the use of native plants both as lawn replacements and in traditional garden settings to provide critical habitat for local birds and pollinators.

Native plants

Monarch Waystation: Colonial Gardens has operated a certified Monarch Waystation in our herbal labyrinth for nearly 10 years. This space gives monarchs a space where all of their needs are met as they journey through their migration.

Reducing Plastic Consumption: Single-use plastics are currently a big part of the garden industry as they provide a consistent and clean product for our customers to receive their plants in. While some of our growers are providing compostable options for their plants, we are also pushing for better recycling options for nursery pots and trays. We are engaging with our growers as well as local politicians to seek solutions to the single-use plastic problem. We are also working hard to address how we handle waste at our facility to better sort our recyclables.

Electrified Maintenance Tools: As of 2025, our landscaping team will be using electrified, rather than gas powered, hand tools when possible. This includes the purchase of a new weed whacker, leaf blower, and chainsaw to help our team efficiently and professionally finish out their installations while reducing their carbon footprint.

Sustainable Products: We’re striving to offer a great mix of both sustainable and effective plant and plant care products to our customers. Many of our suppliers are leaders in the industry for sustainability. Espoma Organics not only makes superb organic fertilizers and soils, but they do so in a facility powered by solar with a commitment to zero waste. Overdevest Nurseries grows an incredible selection of unique plants while being the only open-air nursery in the country that holds a Veriflora Sustainability certification. We carry Camel Hump Rain Barrels, crafted here in Phoenixville from recycled products. Every year we bring in new sustainable products to test and reevaluate our product mixes to see what works for us and our customers.

There is always more work to do as we balance running a small business with improving our internal practices and supply chain! We want to thank our faithful customers who make it possible for us to pursue our efforts towards being a more sustainable business.

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