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Shade Tolerant Plants

Shade Tolerant Plants

The following plants are considered shade-tolerant, meaning that they can at least grow in part-shade conditions. All plants on this list are well-adapted to southeastern Pennsylvania. We are located in Phoenixville, PA, growing zone 7A.

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Standouts from our great tomato survey

Standouts from Our Great Tomato Survey

2024 was our inaugural year for our Great Tomato Survey, with an attempt to gather data from home gardeners in parts of southeastern Pennsylvania.

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Colonial's Christmas Green Difference

Colonial’s Christmas Green Difference

In this blog we want to tell you about what makes our process unique in providing you with fresh, handmade products worthy of your holidays.

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October Gardening to-dos

October Gardening To-Do’s

We’re headed towards the end of the gardening season, but there is still plenty to do before you tuck in your beds for the winter. Here are 8 gardening to-dos for October.

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Planting bulbs in fall

Planting Bulbs in the Fall

Planting bulbs in the fall is a great way to get a head start on spring, bringing a rainbow of color to your garden.

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Creating a moon garden

Creating a Moon Garden

Moon gardens are specifically planted so that they can be enjoyed under the light of the moon. Use these nine tips to create the classic moon garden.

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Some Winners & Losers from Casey's Garden

Successes and Failures in Casey’s Garden

One of the best parts of my job is trying out plants in my garden. I wanted to share my successes and failures from this year so you know which plants I loved and don’t have to repeat my mistakes!

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Beware of AI plants

The Hidden Dangers of AI Plants

AI manipulated images of plants may seem like harmless fun, but bad actors are using these photos to scam gardeners.

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Gardening during drought

Gardening During a Drought

Gardeners can use simple strategies to improve their garden’s performance while saving water! Here are 7 steps you can take to reduce your water use while keeping your garden healthy.

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7 Native Perennials for Summer

Seven Native Perennials for Summer

This blog lists some of our favorite summer native perennials, based on their hardiness, beauty, and value to local wildlife.

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Plants for Wet Conditions

A list of wet tolerant perennials, trees and shrubs, as well as answers to what poor drainage is, why it occurs, and how you can solve the issue.


Shade Tolerant Plants

A list of shade tolerant plants and an explanation of what “shady conditions” really means.

Crabapple tree

Native Plants

This brochure provides a list of native species that Colonial Gardens often carries in its inventory. Please note that some of the plants in this section may not be native to our particular area of PA and may be native to surrounding states.


Deer Resistant Plants

This list shows plants that generally are not attractive to deer.

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