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STORE HOURS: Mon-Sat: 9am-5:30pm • Sun 9am-5pm
Shade Tolerant Plants

Shade Tolerant Plants

The following plants are considered shade-tolerant, meaning that they can at least grow in part-shade conditions. All plants on this list are well-adapted to southeastern Pennsylvania. We are located in Phoenixville, PA, growing zone 7A.

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October Gardening to-dos

October Gardening To-Do’s

We’re headed towards the end of the gardening season, but there is still plenty to do before you tuck in your beds for the winter. Here are 8 gardening to-dos for October.

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Creating a moon garden

Creating a Moon Garden

Moon gardens are specifically planted so that they can be enjoyed under the light of the moon. Use these nine tips to create the classic moon garden.

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Gardening during drought

Gardening During a Drought

Gardeners can use simple strategies to improve their garden’s performance while saving water! Here are 7 steps you can take to reduce your water use while keeping your garden healthy.

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