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Please note that this is a list of tomato varieties we expect to carry during the spring of 2024. Our selection is dependent on our grower’s availability. We will not have every variety at all times. Due to limits on staff, the volume of calls we receive, and our quick turnover of inventory, we cannot answer veggie inventory questions over the phone.

We are expecting a shipment of organic veggies in late April, which will include some of the varieties listed below.


  • Heirloom: Open-pollinated varieties that are over 30 years old. Seeds reliably produce the same plant year after year. Heirlooms are prized for their unique attributes and connection to history. Heirlooms may be more susceptible to disease than hybrids.
  • Determinate: Determinate tomatoes have a more bushy growth and produce all of their fruit within a limited window. These are plants best suited for small space or container gardeners.
  • Indeterminate: Indeterminate tomatoes grow like vines and produce fruits until frost. These plants produce more tomatoes over the course of the season, but require a support structure and pruning for best results.
  • “Days”: Indicates the days to harvest. This is typically from when the transplant is placed in the garden to when they begin to produce their first fruits. Harvest dates are dependent on weather, but this estimation can help you plan your perfect mix of plants.
  • AAS: All American Selection tomatoes are tomatoes that receive top marks for taste, texture, and disease resistance as compared to other tomatoes in their class.

Cherry/Grape Tomatoes

Cherry and grape tomatoes are small, sweet tomatoes typically used in salads, skewers, or direct snacking.

‘Black Cherry’– HEIRLOOM variety; small, round, purple-brown, fruits have a rich flavor; Indeterminate. 70 days.
‘Candyland Red’– early variety; very high yields; very sweet flavor, bright red fruit; Indeterminate; (AAS) 55 days.
‘Chocolate Sprinkles’– red fruit striped with dark green; rich, robust flavor, Indeterminate. 50-55 days.
‘Fantastico’– bright red, grape-sized fruits; very prolific; great for planters and container tolerates Late Blight; Determinate; (AAS) 50 days.
‘Hartman’s Yellow Gooseberry’– HEIRLOOM variety; small, yellow, sweet/tart fruits; very high-yielding, Semi-Determinate. 75 days.
‘Indigo™ Rose’– dark purple fruits are slightly acidic and sweet, reminiscent of plums; Indeterminate. 65 to 80 days.
‘Matt’s Wild Cherry’– HEIRLOOM variety, very small, smooth, dark red fruits, extremely high sugar content, full flavor, vigorous, resistant to Early Blight, Late Blight and Gray Leaf Spot; Indeterminate. 55 days.
‘Midnight Snack’– deep purple-black fruits are blushed with red; greatly improved taste; Indeterminate (AAS). 65-70 days.
‘Orange Zinger’– 1 oz, dark orange, round fruits, sweet-tangy flavor, crack-resistant, resistant to Fusarium and TMV; Indeterminate. 60-65 days.
‘Red Grape’– long clusters of 20+ bright red fruits, crack-resistant, tolerant of Late Blight and Target Leaf Spot; Indeterminate. 60 to 65 days.
‘Sugar Plum’– firm, sweet, rich red fruits; Indeterminate. 65 days.
‘Sugar Rush’– super sweet, dark red fruits with great crunch and texture, tolerates Fusarium and TMV. Indeterminate. 50 to 55 days.
‘Sugary’– .5 oz, dark pink fruits, super sweet and very flavorful, indeterminate (AAS). 60 days.
‘Sungold’– 1 oz, very sweet, apricot-orange fruit, high-resistance to Fusarium and TMV, Indeterminate. 65 days.
‘Supersweet 100s’– 1 oz, scarlet color bursting with sweet flavor. Indeterminate. 70 days.
‘Tidy Treats’-dark red, cherry-shaped fruits, compact habit, tolerates Fusarium and V, Determinate. 50 to 55 days.
‘Yellow Pear’– HEIRLOOM variety, 4 oz, bright yellow, tangy, bite-sized fruit, Indeterminate. 80 days.


Slicer and beefsteak tomatoes are larger tomatoes used for sandwiches, burgers, and general processing. Slicers tend to be smaller and smoother than the larger beefsteaks.

‘Aunt Gertie’s Gold’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety; 16oz, golden yellow fruits; wonderful, fruity, sweet flavor; Indeterminate. 75 days.
‘Aunt Ruby’s German Green’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety; 16oz, bright green fruits with strong, sweet, nutty flavor; potato-leaved variety; Indeterminate. 80 days.
‘Beefsteak’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety; 16-32oz, slightly ribbed, bright red fruit have delicious, sweet flavors; resistant to Fusarium and Nematodes; Indeterminate. 85 days.
‘Belgium Giant’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety; massive, 2-5 lbs, dark pink fruits are very sweet and meaty with less acid than other varieties;Indeterminate. 85 days.
‘Big Beef Hybrid’– (Beefsteak type) 10-12 oz, smooth, ruby-red fruits are firm, juicy, and highly flavorful; resistance to Fusarium, Nematodes, Gray Leaf Spot, TMV, and V; Indeterminate;(AAS). 73 days.
‘Big Boy’– (Slicer type) 8-16oz, red fruits;v vigorous; resistant to cracking; Indeterminate
‘Black Krim’– (Slicer type) HEIRLOOM variety; 10-12 oz, dark-brownish-red fruits are very richly flavored; Indeterminate. About 80 days.
‘Boxcar Willie’– (Slicer type) HEIRLOOM variety; 10-16oz, smooth, bright orange-red fruit with acidic flavor, high yielding;crack-free; Indeterminate. 80 days.
‘Brandywine Pink’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety; large, rosy-pink skin; deeply lobed;fantastic, less acidic flavor, potato-leaved variety; Indeterminate. 80 days.
‘Brandywine Red’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety; large, pinkish-red skin; deeply lobed, fantastic , less acidic flavor, potato-leaved variety; Indeterminate. 90 days.
‘Buffalo Steak’– (Beefsteak type) solid, meaty, red flesh; produces 6.5 oz fruit; high-resistance to Fusarium, TMV, V and intermediate resistance to Nematodes; Indeterminate. 75 to 80 days.
‘Bush Champion’– (Slicer type) 9oz, very meaty, flavorful, bright red fruit; compact plants; good resistance to AI, Fusarium, Nematodes, Gray Leaf Spot, and V, Determinate. 65 days.
‘Carolina Gold’– (Beefsteak type) extra-large, glossy, gold fruits; resistant to Fusarium and V; Determinate. 75 days.
‘Celebrity Plus’– (Slicer type) 7-8 oz, bright red fruit, great all-purpose tomato; resistance to Fusarium, TMV, TSW and V; Determinate (AAS) . 70 days.
‘Cherokee Purple’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety; 16-32 oz, large, brick red and dark brown fruit; Indeterminate. 80 days.
‘Early Girl’– (Slicer type) 4-8 oz, bright red, meaty fruit; great resistance to V and Fusarium; Indeterminate. 50 days.
‘Fourth of July’-(Slicer type), 4 oz, small, perfectly round fruits. The earliest to ripen. Indeterminate. 49 days.
‘German Johnson Pink’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety; 16-32 oz; large-lobed, pinkish-red, nearly seedless fruit; potato-leaved variety:Indeterminate. 80 days.
‘Green Zebra’– (Slicer type) HEIRLOOM variety; small, 2” round, yellow-gold fruit with dark green, zebra-like stripes; Semi-Determinate. 65 days.
‘Heatmaster’– (Slicer type) medium sized, red fruits, great for hotter climate; resistant to TMV, Fusarium, and V, Determinate. 75 days.
‘Hillbilly’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety, 16-32 oz, large-lobed, yellow fruit is streaked with red; sweet, low-acid flavor, Indeterminate. 85 days.
‘Jet Star’– (Slicer type) 8 oz, firm, meaty, red fruit; low in acid, very few cracks, tolerant to V; Indeterminate. 72 days.
‘Lemon Boy’– (Slicer type) 8 oz, large, bright lemon-yellow fruit; high yields; tolerant to Fusarium, Nematodes, and V, Indeterminate. 75 days.
‘Mortgage Lifter’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety; 16-32 oz, deep pink fruit; sweet, rich flavor, Indeterminate. 80 days.
‘Mountain Fresh’– (Slicer type) 8-16 oz, bright red fruits; great flavor, very vigorous plants; high resistance to Fol 1-2, N, and V, Determinate. 77 days.
‘Old German’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety;16-32 oz, bicolored fruits are golden yellow with reddish stripes; great, sweet, old-fashioned flavor, Indeterminate. 80 days.
‘Oxheart Red’– (Slicer type) HEIRLOOM variety, 8-16 oz, heart-shaped pink fruits, very meaty flesh contains few seeds; Indeterminate. 80 to 85 days.
‘Pineapple’– (Beefsteak type) HEIRLOOM variety, 16 oz, red and yellow, streaked fruit, Indeterminate. 90 days.
‘Purple Boy’– (Slicer type) large, red and deep violet Fruit, intense flavor, resistant to Nematodes, V, Fusarium and TMV, Indeterminate. 80 days.
‘Rutgers’– (Slicer types) HEIRLOOM variety, 5-6oz, dark red fruit, excellent all-purpose variety, tolerant to Fusarium and V, Determinate. 73 days.
‘Whopper’– (Beefsteak type) 16-32 oz, medium-sized, great tasting, dark red fruit, heavy producer, resistant to Fusarium, Nematodes, TMV and V, Indeterminate. 65 days.
‘Supersteak’: (Beefsteak Type) 14-32 oz., smooth, bright red skin and meaty texture, resistant to Fusarium, Nematodes, and V. Indeterminate. 80 days.


Paste tomatoes have a lower water content, making thicker and more flavorful sauces.

‘Amish Paste’– HEIRLOOM variety; 8oz, meaty, bright red fruits; great for slicing and sauces; Indeterminate. 80 days.
‘La Roma 3.5 Red’– 5-8 oz., dark red, very flavorful fruit; tolerant to ASK, Fol, GLS, and V; Determinate. 76 days.
‘Roma Plum’– 4oz, bright red fruits, heavy yield, great for making paste, resistant to Fusarium and V ; Determinate. 73 days.
‘San Marzano’– HEIRLOOM variety, 4 oz, dark red fruit, excellent for making sauces, Determinate. 85 days.
‘Viva Italia’– 3 oz, dark red, very flavorful fruit, tolerant to A, Nematodes, Fusarium and V, Determinate. 75 days.

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